Thursday 10 September 2015

We have a winner!

Good morning peeps! A short one this morning because I am supposed to be putting the finishing touches to the book (you will here all about it here very soon indeed).

I ran a small giveaway for some Makower 10" squares and a label panel last time and I am ecstatic to announce that the winner of this cute little bundle...this one here...


Rosa Ejapa!!!

Get in touch with me via email Rosa and I will mail them out to you. Well done and have huge fun with them.

Thank you for stopping by everyone. There will be a cute I-didn't-know-that-I-needed-one-of-those project coming very soon indeed!

Love and hugs
Debbie xxx

Tuesday 8 September 2015

Quick Kraft Tex labels

Hi All! I bought myself a roll of kraft tex paper the other day and I am smitten with it. There are so many things that you can do but I needed labels for a bag commission and they needed to be leather. Well, ish.

I thought that I would take five minutes to show you how quickly they can be made and they are a great addition to your repertoire.

Start by cutting a piece of kraft tex

Now stamp an image onto it (just use a normal papercraft stamp). 

Now we need more grain in the result so when the ink is dry, scrunch it like crazy. Screw it up and munch it in every direction

Now flatten it out and check the result

If it is grainy enough, lightly press it with your iron and then distress it a little more with a coordinating (I used a medium brown colour) ink

There it is! Ready to sew on.

I made a few while I was at it...

And this is what it looks like in place, well one example anyway...

All you do is to sew around the outside with a straight stitch. This can be washed (make sure that your inks can too) and it won't fray or tear.

Disclaimer: I was not paid or solicited by the publishers of kraft tex for this post. I bought my paper here and I really do love it. I haven't put it though its paces properly yet so stand by for more creative ideas.

Thank you so much for stopping by!
Love and hugs
Debbie xxx

Thursday 3 September 2015

A new bed for Sally

Okay finally I am sick of Sally rolling off her old bed and complaining in the middle of the night so I went through my pretty prints and rustled up a new one.

But are we in the slightest bit grateful? Never! look at the face on it...

I don't know about you but I would love a bed like this! I made it from 5" squares from the Makower ranges and the whole effect is just gorgeous.

I am sure that she loves it really.

It is just a series of squares sewn together and then the top and the side gussets are quilted on thin wadding with a straight stitch. I bound the top edges for something more substantial feeling and the result is pure pretty doggy luxe.

Oh well, I will try again next time. Maybe it was a mistake telling her upfront that there is no fee for the photo shoot! Silly me!

'til next time
Love and hugs
Debbie xxx