Monday 5 November 2018

Yule Be Cool!

We are very aware of being carefully plastic free and paper free if possible - have you considered more sustainable gift wrapping options?

Halloween is behind us now and I still cannot really talk about it (I just love crafting at this time of the year!) and I suspect that I am not alone here.

These hipster dies are just so cute!

But guess what! We have Christmas coming up and we are entering another bonanza crafting time. It just keeps on coming!

Fabric applique gift bags!

I have just received some Christmas dies (thank you Sizzix) and my eyes immediately went to the Cool Yule set. Honestly, put this one on your list! It immediately lets you craft without the tinselly bling with which we associate Christmas - although you could totally do that too if you wanted to.

And the bow!

Of course, me, being me, I had to do something a little different and as I had planned to make some soap on the weekend, I thought about gift bags.

The gang's all here!

You could use these bags for other things too like sweets or money and you could make them any size.

I love the versatility!

For a touch of rusticana, I have chosen a natural hessian and a Christmas ribbon because these little details make everything special! 

You need a bow!

This is a crossover make which means that you sewists out there will be very pleased to have such a cute way to use your fabric scraps. You literally only need the tiniest offcuts for the applique.

These would make great wine bags too!

Don't worry if you do not sew though - there are many places that you can buy little bags online.

So what do we need to make these bags?
- hessian (
-ribbon for the ties (
-cotton fabric scraps
-DecoArt Fabric Decou-Page (
-old flat brush (about 1/2")
- Sizzix Cool Yule Thinlits die (
-Your usual crafting needs

Start out on your glass media mat or a non stick surface and coat all of the fabric scraps with a coat of Fabric Decou-Page. 
Coat the pieces well and it will seep through to the other side.

Leave them to dry. Coating them with the medium ensures a nice clean cut from your dies with little or no threads. They even cut the super fine glasses with ease!

You don't need much fabric for this!

While the fabric strips are drying, prepare the hessian and make some bags.

The simplest of sewing skills needed!
I cut a strip of hessian, folded it and sewed the sides before turning it out and fringing the top.

You NEED this set!
Righto, back to the applique! Cut the pieces from the appropriate fabrics. I went with Santa first.

I did use the precision cutting base for this job and it worked beautifully every time.

Cut your chosen pieces out. Time to build the applique!

Use lots of medium - it dries clear! I put a thin sheet of acetate offcut inside the bag to stop the medium from sticking everything together.

Coat the area that you wish to decorate with medium and then add pieces of fabric cutouts reapplying medium with each layer.

Be generous with the medium!

The trick is to enclose each piece well. This is a machine washable product too. I am not sure that this is needed but it does indicate that it is strong.

All done but the eyes. I cheated here and used a permanent marker!

When you have finished building and coating, allow your masterpiece to dry completely.

The eyes make SUCH a difference- even when they are as wonky as mine are!

Now add a ribbon!

Your bow can take any form at all! Simple or flamboyant both look great!

That's it! You can make a set of these and they are perfect for paper and plastic free gift wrap alternatives. After Christmas, they can be used as room freshener bags or just somewhere to store a small and precious thing.

Don't forget that you can mix and match the dies to really personalise the item.

I hope that you found this inspiring - the trick is to always think about where else you can use your crafting goodies. Can they be used in another season? What about another application? Double your fun!

Love the glasses - AND how well they cut out once the fabric is prepared.

Thank you so much for stopping by and I will look forward to seeing you next time!

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