Thursday 24 October 2019

Cute Pyramid Pouch

Addicted to zipper pouches

Okay, here goes. My name is Debbie and I am a grown woman with a zipper pouch obsession. There. I have said it. I am utterly and hopelessly addicted. And I have no shame- I aim to addict everyone else around me too so watch out!

I wonder if I am alone in my addiction

To be honest, there are possibly worse addictions so I vote that we just go with this one! The best thing is that they are so beautifully quick and easy to make and they take next to no fabric so there are no excuses for not filling the house. 

This pyramid is the latest obsession

Today's offering is my take on the pyramid or triangle pouch that is about at the moment.

I can see myself making more of these

But before we get into that, I would like to take this opportunity for a shameless plug - I am developing my Etsy shop sewing patterns. This is a sort of very-early-indeed new year's resolution that I made about five years ago.

Gotta love a really useful tote!

So now it is happening! Do check out the shop here and let me know what you think. It is a slow process (I joined in 2012!) but I have plans!

Back to the task at hand then...

In the meantime, we need a free pattern to get us in the mood don't we!
Gather these supplies:
-F8th outer fabric. I am using a light canvas.
-F8th lining fabric to coordinate
-F8th style-vil foam interfacing (Vlieseline)
Everything else
-4 1/2" metal zipper
-something to decorate the zipper pull. I love a leather strip but you can use a charm, piece of ribbon or anything at all.
-fabric glue
-matching threads
-your usual sewing needs

This is a cut and measure pattern (like the ones in my Etsy shop). I really don't like the extra bother of printing off templates if I can get out of it. But remember to measure twice and cut once and always read the instructions through and assemble the ingredients before you start.

Off we go!
Begin by cutting out the pieces. You will need:

  • 1 outer piece 6 1/2" x 12"
  • 1 lining piece 6 1/2" x 12"
  • 4 zipper end pieces 1 1/2" sq.
  • 12" bias tape made from the lining fabric (you can use store bought too.
You really don't need very much fabric for one of these. Makes it a great scrap make.

There are no cutting notes for the interfacing. This is best sewn and trimmed as you go.

Prepare the zipper first. The end tabs are cut deliberately  slightly larger than needed and will be trimmed down. I like to glue these on rather than stitching. Don't worry, they cannot come undone because everything will be securely stitched around them. The choice is yours though.

Attach the the  tabs to either end of the zip using your favourite method

This is a great method and you will use it again and again. it stabilises the zipper ends perfectly.

Trim the end tabs to the width of the zipper tape (1") and so that the zip is 6 1/2" long

The zipper has to be the same length as the width of your fabric. In this case, 6 1/2".

Take the outer piece and attach it to the style-vil foam interfacing with a narrow basting stitch

The style-vil needs to be just a little larger all around and keep the tension on the fabric so that it is lovely and tight on the foam.

Trim the foam back when you have finished.

This foam will give great body to your pouch and look so much more professional

Take the interfaced outer, the zipper and the lining and place the outer and lining right sides together with the zipper sandwiched in between on one short end

Clips are my favourite!

Pin or clip and then sew along the zipper.

It is not so difficult!

Flip the layers over and topstitch along the length of the zipper

Love topstitching. It makes everything sit so nicely.

Now repeat for the other end - just the sewing of the zip for now because we have a decision to make....

Getting there.

We now have this rather odd arrangement

Looks like failure - but rest assured, it isn't!

If you turn it the right way out, there is no way that you can topstitch the other half of the zip. So why would we WANT to topstitch? Well it has several advantages

  • it looks great
  • it looks professional
  • it secures that zip
  • most importantly, it secures the lining meaning that it cannot migrate into the zipper teeth and get chewed up.

Right so you have two choices. You can opt to not topstitch at all and in this case, just omit the topstitching bit. If you like the topstitching though, simply fold the pouch in half down the back in the DEAD centre and cut it in half.

Yep! That's right! This flattens the pouch out and then you can topstitch and sew it back up again.

Do consider the merits of the topstitching before leaving it out. Especially the last one.

Honestly it is worth it and it is what I have done. The back will now look like this

I can live with this for the sake of a perfect front.

Okay, so that decision being made, we are ready to make a pyramid. Turn the pouch inside out and pinch the base like this

The inside can be as neat looking as the outside.

TIP: Have the zipper open for this bit!

Sew across (don't worry about the raw edges for a moment).

Sew across and then trim

Pinch the top in the opposite direction like this

This is the tricky bit that makes the pyramid shape

Sew across there too. Now use some binding to bind the edges

I ALWAYS do this bit by hand.
Binding can be made from a scrap of fabric.

It really makes the edges lovely. I hate zigzagging the edges. It is not neat enough!

Now turn the pouch out the right way (see why the zipper had to be open) and push the corner points out so that they are sharp.

Decorate the zipper pull and you are done!

A thin strip of leather or vegan leather sewn on in a matching perle coton looks fab!

I hope that you have enjoyed this tute. Don't forget, for more patterns, check out my Etsy shop and in the mean time, I am going away to dream up another pouch for us to make!


  1. Thank you Debbie! Loved all the tutorials;simple and straight to the point Tried to follow or subscribe to your blog but can't find a button. Please let me know if there's one. Would love to get notifications on new posts.

    1. Hi Maryam thank you so much for your lovely words! It is useful to have some feedback too so that i know that i am on the right track. You can subscribe by email which is underneath the Google followers bit on the right hand side. If you are on a mobile phone or tablet, these things often do not appear so it may have to be done from your desktop. Let me know if you continue to have trouble. D xx

  2. So cute, and wonderful directions!

    1. Hi Melinda, thank you so much! More coming too xx

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Thank you for stopping buy! Here#s to creativity! :-)

  5. Thank you Debbie! what a creative way to explain all these things. Love it every bit of it keep up the good work

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Thanks for stopping by - I would love and welcome any feedback. Debs xxx