Friday 17 March 2017

Washi Tape Stickers - Bliss Alert!

Who doesn't love washi tape! Glittery, pretty, serious (well, quite), it comes in all styles and there are some really nice things to make with it.

I am a bit obsessed with making washi tape stickers at the moment. I love the geometric designs around and decorating a wall sounds like bliss but I want more! I want to make stickers in all sorts of styles and I want them to be as big as I want NOT as wide as the tape dictates.

Now there are some excellent blogs about making stickers using baking paper. The real limitation with these is the size of the tape and the fact that you have to match the rows up perfectly when you take the sticker off the tape. Doable but fiddly.
But this still wasn't enough. I have outgrown my sandbox! So, thinking cap firmly on, I was looking for a new way and guess what? Here it is.....clear contact. The sort that you cover books with in school. Seriously. And there are a couple of ways to do this.

First of all, gather these supplies....
   ➼ clear contact (a self adhesive plastic film on a roll)
   ➼ washi tape
   ➼ a VERY sharp craft knife or scalpel and a pair of sharp, small scissors
   ➼ (optional) a die cutter and dies - very useful if you just cannot persuade your drawing skills to behave.
   ➼ your chosen image and a pencil

To begin with, decide on the size that you want. Roughly mark this on the back of the contact (the paper side).
Now draw the image that you want on the paper side. I am opting for a cactus this time. It is worth noting here that you need to draw your design in mirror image so that it will be the right way around on the front. Just sayin'.

Now turn over onto the film side and lay your tape onto it covering the image on the back and butting up with no gaps....

Now turn over and cut the image out...

I use the scissors for the big stuff and then go in with my scalpel for the smaller bits. Always use a sharp new blade so that the knife doesn't drag and separate the tape.

Now you have this.....

Peel the paper off and find a home for your sticker! Because of the larger surface area of the contact, the tape will stay together and there is no fiddly matching the strips up that you get with larger designs using baking paper.

Use some different greens and even a gold to make a cactus plant gang (very scary!) 
I put mine on a cork coaster with some sassy words to make a magnet....                                                          

Make the stickers different colours like this snazzy pineapple....

Keep the off-cuts for smaller designs too and the paper templates once you have peeled them off. They are handy to repeat a design perfectly the next time and using the scraps means that nothing goes to waste.

You can also use a die cutter to cut the designs out. This is especially useful for lettering and words...

Go forth and have fun! This could be one of the best ideas that I have had today and I am so excited about the possibilities.

Thank you for dropping by and I do hope that you have as much fun as I have.
Hugs and kisses

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